In over 100 blogs I have never mentioned an important aspect of the Towler & Staines business, we hire out a large variety of Calor Gas appliances.
Blown air industrial heaters are the most popular item. They come in three different sizes depending on the area you need to heat. The main users are customers with industrial and commercial premises.
We have a Trident (three headed) weed burner available. It is great for burning off weeds in an unruly patch of garden or could also be used for a roofing job.
If lighting beyond the mains is a problem for a special event we hire out Bullfinch Mini Floodlights.
For Scout and Guide camps or other outdoor catering needs we have Dixie 2 large high pressure burners which accomodate very large pans. We can also provide a large single low pressure square burner.
Burco Dean 20litre Water Boilers are another popular item for brewing large quantities of tea or coffee.
On the barbecue front we have large and small Cinders Catering Barbecues and Beefeater and Continental Griddle Barbecues. So if you are planning a barbecue party for a large number of people we have the answer in our hire fleet.
Burco 20 litre Boiler |